Supporters of Dr. Casey Firlit, Ph.D, M.D.

Disabled children are once again slapped in the face. Dirty politics and inflated egos at St. Louis University Medical School extinguish the chance for a more productive life for hundreds of Spina Bifida, Myelomengiocele and Neurogenic bladder and bowel patients. A well known and respected Pediatric Urologist has been suspended from his position along with his surgical privileges. Who will speak for these children now that Dr. Firlit is gone? Will you? Let us know what you think! Please support Dr. Casey Firlit by using the list at the side of this page to contact those who can reinstate our doctor and our friend.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Why Dr. Casey Firlit is so Important to Ailing Children! What is Spina Bifida?


Spina Bifida is an inborn defect that affects the child's nervous system. The backbone and spinal canal fail to close before birth, thereby allowing the spinal cord and covering meninges to protrude out of the child's back. Damage to the spinal cord and nerve roots result to a decrease or lack of function of body areas controlled at or below the defect. Symptoms include partial or complete lack of sensation and may include loss of bladder or bowel control. The exposed spinal cord is also susceptible to infection, meningitis. Not infrequently, other congenital disorders may also be present in the child, such as hydrocephalus (abnormal build up of CSF in the brain that causes pressure inside the head to increase) hip dislocation, and other disorders.

The upper picture shows a child with a normal brain and spinal cord.

There is an orderly arrangement of the peripheral nerves to the bladder, bowels, and the lower extremities.

The lower picture shows a child with Spina Bifida.

There is a derangement of the lower spinal cord causing disorderly distribution of the nerves to the bladder, bowels, and lower extremities. This causes havoc in the function of the involved organs. Another feature of Spina Bifida is the poor circulation of brain fluid causing fluid to accumulate and head to enlarge.

Although Spina Bifida has different forms and varying degrees of defect, most of them will have to undergo surgeries to correct the spinal, leg, and foot problems. Shunt surgery is necessary to drain fluid from the brain. Application of techniques to control bladder and bowel function and use of equipment (e.g wheel chair, braces) to facilitate walking will be essential.

Fortunately for some children, in the absence of complications, they function within the average range of intelligence making them capable of handling and pursuing a career.




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Who is Dr. Casey Firlit?

He is currently professor and chief of pediatric urology, Dr. Firlit leads the Cardinal Glennon pediatric urology team which specializes in the surgical treatment and reconstruction of kidney, urinary tract and genital conditions and anomalies. He earned his undergraduate and doctorates in pharmacology and medicine at Loyola University, and after completing his urologic surgery residency, completed two urologic surgery fellowships in pediatric urology and pediatric renal transplantation at Northwestern University. Dr. Firlit is extensively published in a wide range of adult & pediatric urologic, neurourologic, transplantation and immunologic journals, and has served on the editorial and review board of the Journal of Urology. Dr. Firlit is an active member of the American College of Surgeons, American Urological Association, Society for Pediatric Urology, and American Association of Clinical Urologists.