Supporters of Dr. Casey Firlit, Ph.D, M.D.

Disabled children are once again slapped in the face. Dirty politics and inflated egos at St. Louis University Medical School extinguish the chance for a more productive life for hundreds of Spina Bifida, Myelomengiocele and Neurogenic bladder and bowel patients. A well known and respected Pediatric Urologist has been suspended from his position along with his surgical privileges. Who will speak for these children now that Dr. Firlit is gone? Will you? Let us know what you think! Please support Dr. Casey Firlit by using the list at the side of this page to contact those who can reinstate our doctor and our friend.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Not much going on upstairs at SLU these days!

I couldn't believe my ears. Another wonderful surgeon is gone. Dr. Casey Firlit is a man of great integrity and expertise. He is a cornerstone for pediatric urology as it is known today. What would make a university suspend a man of such talent and dedication? Many questions but no answers. He is an advocate for the many children and some adults that have no voice. I can't seem to find anything to indicate he has done something wrong. So, what did Dr. Firlit do that made the University so angry? I want answers. I want to know who is going to operate on these children that are in such desperate need? Playing god must feel powerful just to know that you are in control of so many desperate lives. I wouldn't want this tragedy credited to me. Speak up and speak loud.

The lure of the new expensive operating room at Cardinal Glennon couldn't keep Dr. Martin Keller and Dr. Eric Coln. They are at Children's hosp. and St. John's.


Anonymous said...

Dr. Firlit is my niece's surgeon. He touched the lives of all of us in her family. We feel truly blessed by him! God's Blessings on you Dr. Firlit. May God soften the hearts and minds of those withholding you from the rest of the community!

Anonymous said...

fwHow can something like this happen? How can someone who is so extrordinary, who gives so much of himself to the children and their families in his care, be so disregarded by the university? Don't they realize the treasure they have? Don't they care about what impact his care has had on the lives of these children?

Speak up, write, call, let your voice be heard. Take a few minutes to let those in a position to change this dreadful decision know how you feel. Speak out because you care about these children. Speak out because you believe in goodness. Speak out because it is the right thing to do. Don't wait; time is of the essence!

Anonymous said...

I know Dr. Firlit to be an talented compassionate surgeon. The St. Louis and Cardinal Glennon are lucky to have him in the area. He is an excellent teacher and has drawn many interns into the field of Pediatric Urology. It would be a sin to lose Dr. Firlit to some other institution. St. Louis University needs to wake up.

Melinda S. Ema/ Mother-Caregiver said...

UNBELIEVABLE! What are they thinking about? Dr. Firlit is THE BEST Urologist we have ever had (there have been several in 17 years). Some people sit around and talk about what they can do to help our situation. Dr. Firlit actually gave wings to our hopes of having an independent life. Why in the world would you take that away from ALL that he has done this for? I would not want to be in the shoes of those that caused this to happen.

Anonymous said...

My name is David. Dr. Firlit s my Urologist. I want you to know that Dr. Firlit really cares about his patients. He lets us have a say in what is happening to us. He has helped me to know that I have the freedom to go out and not be embarressed by my problems. He has never lied to me and helps me learn what I can do to be more independent. Without Dr. Firlit we have no one in our corner. The hospital can not replace him anywhere.

Kris Lupton said...

My daughter and I were HORRIFIED when we heard what was going on with Dr. Firlit. She has had over 11 bladder surgeries with surgeons from Chicago, Atlanta, then St. Louis.Not one of them could figure out her bladder till Dr. Firlit. Dr. Firlit is not only a brilliant surgeon he is a compassionate and loving person. We never left an appointment without him giving us hugs. My daughter is dry and foley free at night because of Dr. Firlit. It is unbeleiveable SLU has not considered the patients and family under his care. My prayers are with all of them and with Dr. Firli too. We love you Dr. Firlit and want you back.

Anonymous said...

I am a patient of Dr. Firlit's. I was very horrified when I heard what happened with Dr. Firlit. He has always been very compassionate and loving. He has also been the only one that was able to figure out bladder. Since he has been there I have stayed dry during the day and foley free at night. I miss you Dr. Firlit and I want you back.

Who is Dr. Casey Firlit?

He is currently professor and chief of pediatric urology, Dr. Firlit leads the Cardinal Glennon pediatric urology team which specializes in the surgical treatment and reconstruction of kidney, urinary tract and genital conditions and anomalies. He earned his undergraduate and doctorates in pharmacology and medicine at Loyola University, and after completing his urologic surgery residency, completed two urologic surgery fellowships in pediatric urology and pediatric renal transplantation at Northwestern University. Dr. Firlit is extensively published in a wide range of adult & pediatric urologic, neurourologic, transplantation and immunologic journals, and has served on the editorial and review board of the Journal of Urology. Dr. Firlit is an active member of the American College of Surgeons, American Urological Association, Society for Pediatric Urology, and American Association of Clinical Urologists.