Supporters of Dr. Casey Firlit, Ph.D, M.D.

Disabled children are once again slapped in the face. Dirty politics and inflated egos at St. Louis University Medical School extinguish the chance for a more productive life for hundreds of Spina Bifida, Myelomengiocele and Neurogenic bladder and bowel patients. A well known and respected Pediatric Urologist has been suspended from his position along with his surgical privileges. Who will speak for these children now that Dr. Firlit is gone? Will you? Let us know what you think! Please support Dr. Casey Firlit by using the list at the side of this page to contact those who can reinstate our doctor and our friend.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Changing Doctors is NOT like Changing Brands of Toothpaste! When your child has a complex medical problem requiring long term care by a physician, whether or not you intend to, you and your child become attached to that doctor. It is complex, it is a relationship of caring and trust, unlike any other connection you have with others. This is essential. It is never easy to place the health and well-being of your precious ones into the hands of another. But if you feel that person has your child's best interest at heart, that that person has the skill and experience necessary, and the compassion required to give your child every opportunity to lead a good life, then you give that child into the doctor's care, at peace with the decision. This is not something that comes instantly, this is not something that automatically transfers to the "replacement" doctor.

No explanation, no information. We are supposed to blithely transfer our child's care, as if we were choosing Crest instead of Colgate toothpaste. We are not talking about a man-made product here. We are talking about Dr. Firlit, an extraordinary human being, who takes care of each child as if he or she were his own. Who respects the wishes of parents, and gives them the knowledge needed (complete with drawings) to make these painfully difficult decisions about their children. He also takes the time to talk to children about their interests and their dreams, and they love him for it.

But apparently this does not matter. It is an increasingly unfriendly world. Decisions, such as this, impacting so many people, and most importantly so many children, are made, by individuals who have no direct contact with children and families. And we are expected to go with the flow, and trust those very same people to choose someone in Dr. Firlit's place. Well, I can tell you he is NOT replaceable. I do not wish to settle for less. Here SLU and Glennon have a really great doctor, one THEY can boast about, and they are going to throw it all away..........ultimately at the expense of those who need him most, those with the smallest voices: the children.

Don't wait another moment. Speak up and Speak Out! E-mail, call, write everyone on the list and let them know that Dr. Firlit must stay! Time is running out.


Anonymous said...

St. Louis children will suffer if we lose such a wonderful doctor. We can't afford to let him get away.

Anonymous said...

No.. changing doctors is not like changing toothpastes... but changing hospitals sure is! St. Louis University has been my family's choice for health care for generations. Barnes is starting to look mighty good these days. SLU... listen up! If you will treat your patients of Dr. Firlit with such disregard, how do I know that my surgeon might not be next? Work it out SLU. There is much at stake here.

Anonymous said...

We now know why they the called Dr. Firlit the “Best of the Best” when he was referred to us. I beg SLU not to make a mistake they and countless kids and parents will regret. Please consider the impact this will have. Our family and the St. Louis family need Dr. Firlit!

Who is Dr. Casey Firlit?

He is currently professor and chief of pediatric urology, Dr. Firlit leads the Cardinal Glennon pediatric urology team which specializes in the surgical treatment and reconstruction of kidney, urinary tract and genital conditions and anomalies. He earned his undergraduate and doctorates in pharmacology and medicine at Loyola University, and after completing his urologic surgery residency, completed two urologic surgery fellowships in pediatric urology and pediatric renal transplantation at Northwestern University. Dr. Firlit is extensively published in a wide range of adult & pediatric urologic, neurourologic, transplantation and immunologic journals, and has served on the editorial and review board of the Journal of Urology. Dr. Firlit is an active member of the American College of Surgeons, American Urological Association, Society for Pediatric Urology, and American Association of Clinical Urologists.