Supporters of Dr. Casey Firlit, Ph.D, M.D.

Disabled children are once again slapped in the face. Dirty politics and inflated egos at St. Louis University Medical School extinguish the chance for a more productive life for hundreds of Spina Bifida, Myelomengiocele and Neurogenic bladder and bowel patients. A well known and respected Pediatric Urologist has been suspended from his position along with his surgical privileges. Who will speak for these children now that Dr. Firlit is gone? Will you? Let us know what you think! Please support Dr. Casey Firlit by using the list at the side of this page to contact those who can reinstate our doctor and our friend.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Clock is Ticking......

The final decision regarding Dr. Firlit's return is supposed to be handed down on Friday, October 26th. These people on the right of the screen need to know how we feel about Dr. Firlit.

There are people that visit this site.. they do not know Dr. Firlit or they are curious what this is all about. Please share your stories with us. Tell them the reason you are so outraged with the current situation.

Put it in writing why you are so thankful for this healer that cared enough to give his very best for your child. Let the world know why Dr. Firlit is worth saving!

He is truly a HERO, a hero that walks along beside us today. He is not arrogant and pious
as some doctors can be perceived.

Please tell your story on this post so that it will be easy to find for all of the fence riders or folks
hesitant to get involved.

Don't be a spectator! Join together so SLU hears a powerful chorus of voices singing for our HERO to once again return to us.

Sing your song! POST NOW!


Anonymous said...

I recontacted Bob Davidson asking a few simple questions, about if we would be referred to another doctor? And when Dr. Firlits patients would be notified about him being gone...If we had not heard it through the grapevine we still would not know..We had two doctors appointments since his dismissal and we were not notified at either of them that Dr. firlit was no longer...You would think it could not be true but it is. When we checked in the girls at the front desk had a conversation about who to register us under I told them Firlit he is our Dr. they had a discussion among themselves about it and sd they were told to put everything under Palagiri now, but still noone told us anything..that was two and half weeks ago..we return last week and agian we put Dr Firlit as our Dr when we checked in (still not knowing he is no longer there) and again noone told us any different. Someone there should have let us know something.

Bob Davidsons response was short this time..thanks for the note but I can't tell you anything.

I know there must be tons of Dr. Firlits patients out there who don't even know what has happened..not just ones who haven't been to the office lately either.. we are proof of that..

Anonymous said...

I, too, have only heard it through the grapevine that this amazing doctor is gone. Imagine how I feel. Only 3 short months ago, my daughter, had a life-changing procedure done - by, you guessed it, Dr. Firlit. She went from a very physically dependent blind child with not much hope for independence to a 7 year old who can now go the bathroom almost completely on her own. Sure, another doctor maybe could have done the same thing for her. But they didn't. Dr. Firlit did. He's the one who made her day, by letting her have a little taste of chocolate after 4 days of liquid diet. He's the one who sat at her bedside and listened to her read braille. He's the one who's teaching new doctors to be great doctors. I obviously don't know the whole story - but I do know that we completely respect and admire Dr. Firlit and really hope he stays - for our sake and our daughter's.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Firlit is an outstanding doctor, he always goes above and beyond. I read about him listening to the little girl read to him in braille and I'm not at all suprised. That is the kind of things he does everyday. Dr. Firlit has been our urologist for years. What will we do without him?

Who is Dr. Casey Firlit?

He is currently professor and chief of pediatric urology, Dr. Firlit leads the Cardinal Glennon pediatric urology team which specializes in the surgical treatment and reconstruction of kidney, urinary tract and genital conditions and anomalies. He earned his undergraduate and doctorates in pharmacology and medicine at Loyola University, and after completing his urologic surgery residency, completed two urologic surgery fellowships in pediatric urology and pediatric renal transplantation at Northwestern University. Dr. Firlit is extensively published in a wide range of adult & pediatric urologic, neurourologic, transplantation and immunologic journals, and has served on the editorial and review board of the Journal of Urology. Dr. Firlit is an active member of the American College of Surgeons, American Urological Association, Society for Pediatric Urology, and American Association of Clinical Urologists.